Educators collaborating to change the historic inequities in mathematics and empower all students as mathematicians.

Inviting all students, teachers, and administrators to the table, no matter your math background.

Math Empowered students take risks, collaborate, think creatively about problems, and engage. They internalize the research that their brains grow through struggle and tension, and celebrate misconceptions as routes toward growth.

Math Empowered teachers recognize how their own math experiences and mindsets impact their instruction and students’ mindsets and learning. They join other teachers in designing Math Empowered lessons focused on students’ mindsets and sense-making.

Math Empowered districts identify the systems and structures excluding students from reaching the highest levels of mathematics. They join other districts in rethinking math programming and support for administrators, teachers, and students.

Join the collaboration.

Let’s be Math Empowered.

Join the Collaboration

Math Empowered is offering 2024 - 2025 opportunities for educators. Click to learn more.

Resources for Teachers

Math Empowered offers materials for teachers wanting to implement sense-making, growth-mindset instruction. Many of the materials use Eureka Math as the curricular resource.

Online Professional Development

Math Empowered is now launching opportunities for educators to take courses online!


Feel free to contact Math Empowered with any questions.
